Wednesday, March 27, 2013

US and Private Industry Backed War on Drugs in All Forms and Across the World is a Crime Against Humanity

The criminalization of Cannabis, the world’s most beneficial plant, and the private industry sponsored, US government backed, War on Drugs, in all forms and across the world is a Crime Against Humanity.

President Morals, the War on Drugs is the reason I chose Bolivia as the place to seek my asylum. You too recognize the War on Drugs for the Crime Against Humanity that it is. This can be seen in your actions taken against the DEA and the Single Convention treaty.

The governments of the United States of America are waging this War on Drugs without the consent of the American people, all of us. In the United States right now a black man or woman is 4 time more likely to be in prison then they were at the height of Apartheid South Africa. Apartheid is a crime against humanity.

Knowing this, my question is, “when official government policies are so repressive on a segment of society that it creates a situation where that segment of society is more likely to be persecuted then a documented human rights violation, what do you call that? This is one of the countless horrible human rights violations people through our world suffer because the Crime Against Humanity that is the War on Drugs. This war is raged against us from Afghanistan to La Paz, and all points in between.

CIA/DEA sponsored death squads and widespread human rights violations are the official US Government policy towards the culture and people of Latin America.  This policy is based on the criminalization of all drugs but specifically the Cannabis and Coca plant.  The criminalization of the cannabis plant has led to crimes against humanity being committed in both the United States and Mexico. In Mexico the US Department of Justice sells guns to criminal organizations in order to continue another bloody struggle in the War on Drugs. The people of the United States of America have their Human Rights are violated by local police forces acting as paramilitary, enforcing the criminalization of the cannabis plant and the associated culture. The people of the United States of America are the most imprisioned people on th eplanet due to the war on drugs and spicifically the cannabis plant.

The US governments private owners, which use the CIA, to refine cocaine and opium in South America and Asia, respectively. Then enacts programs to supply weapons and eradicate the same drugs drugs the US government is refining. In the countries where the CIA and DEA are working to both produce and eradicate crops wide spread human rights violations are constantly committed. Then the US Government transports the refined product through US government sponsored paramilitary bases.  These paramilitary bases are also used for the US governments human rights violating rendition program. The US government then produces and distributes crack in on the streets of poor, mostly black communities. Or the US Government allows private pharmaceutical companies, who directly control the military, to produce and force on the entire community cheap refined opium. Then a strict legal system is set up criminalizing some drugs creating the world’s most imprisoned people. The War on Drugs is a Crime Against Humanity committed against the entire world. We could discuss the many, many, Human Rights violations committed in the US War on Drugs. However, I would like to discuss the reasons, due to my political opinion against the War on Drugs, I am unwilling and unable to avail myself of the protection of the Governments of the United States of America.

The cannabis plant is deeply rooted in the history of the world and of the culture of the United States. The criminalization of the Cannabis began as a racist policy and criminalization of the Mexican people and culture.

The War on Drugs was first inflicted on the world in 1974. War Criminal Richard Nixon began the War on Drugs and the Drug Scheduling Act specifically on political grounds. As cannabis was placed in the schedule 1 category, no medical value and high potential for abuse, even though all evidence up to 1974 and throughout human history has shown the cannabis plant is beneficial plant. The War on Drugs began as a false concern regarding health and safety. As we have seen health and safery are the templates for repression not just locally but globally. The government’s policies regarding health and safety are contradicted today by a focus not on health and safety but rather incarceration. The governmental policy that is the War on Drugs has led directly to the state constantly targeting the culture, religion and peoples political opinion regarding cannabis.

During Operation Pipe Dreams the Assistant U.S. Attorney Mary McKeen Houghton made an official statement saying that this operation was done because the cultural status Mr. Tommy Chong has acquired due to his espousing the benifits of the cannabis plant.

"Mr. Chong had made a career of glamorizing pot-smoking and capitalized on his status in making personal appearances at head shops across the United States, where he promoted his line of bongs and pipes with his picture on them."

Mr. Chong's political opinion is counter to the War on Drugs and the state and it's private owners persecuted Mr. Chong specifically due to his political opinion. A fuller documentation of Mr. Chong’s persecution based on his political opinion and cultural status as a promoter of cannabis can be seen here.

This persecution, like all US government violations of human rights does not stop with one person.

Mr. Marc Emery is a Canadian citizen yet he was forcefully extradited to the US and now sits as a political prisoner in the Yazoo City Correctional Institution in Mississippi.

MARC EMERY #40252-086
P.O. BOX 5888

Mr. Emery was criminalized specifically in order to crush his political opinion.

"Today's DEA arrest of Marc Scott Emery, publisher of Cannabis Culture Magazine, and the founder of a marijuana legalization group--is a significant blow not only to the marijuana trafficking trade in the U.S. and Canada, but also to the marijuana legalization movement."

A full detailed of Mr. Emery’s persecution based on his political opinion can be seen here.

The US Justice Department has also violated the Colorado Constitution in its War on Drugs.

In Colorado even though he followed the State Constitution, Chris Bartkowicz now sits in violation of his human rights in federal prison. A fuller report of Mr. Bartkowicz's persecution can be seen here..

These stories are out and people can hear the voices of the persecuted no matter how faint they are. However there are millions more who sit voiceless lock away like animals that will never have their story of government persecution told. As for myself I was fortunate enough not to catch the attention of the federal government for any cannabis crimes. The state of Colorado was the one to violate my Human and Constitutional Rights.

Every time the state violated my Human Rights here and here, I was expressing my political opinion against the Human Rights Violation that is the War on Drugs. I was expressing this opinion in general and against a proposed corporate/law enforcement backed change to the constitution regarding cannabis specifically.

The state campaign of violating my constitutional rights began when they allowed the general public to misled and lied to about a proposed change to the constitution of Colorado regarding cannabis. People who shared my same political opinion such as Kathleen Chippi, Miguel Lopez, Laura Kriho and Douglas Bruce, took part in monitoring the progress and providing public comment. During the process the official title was challenged and became Use and Regulation of Marijuana. As the proponents and state agreed, comparisons to legalization or regulation of alcohol would be confusing and misleading to the public. After this change the proponents began marketing their campaign as the Regulation of Marijuana Like Alcohol Act and frequently and falsely claimed that it is legalization and an end to the War on Drugs. This is voter fraud and is patently false as the first line betrays where the real power is given.


As the marketing of the campaign was clearly a crime, I submitted a state supreme court challenge to the title and frequently brought to the states attention the voter fraud being committed by the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol.

During this time I and many others drafted and debated different constitutional amendments, publicly. We also informed media outlets and many different branches of government of the voter fraud being committed. This was all done in vain as the state allowed the public to be misled and currently is enacting an unconstitutional constitutional amendment. This is confirmed when attorney general John Suthers said Amendment 64 violated the provisions of the TABOR amendment of the Colorado constitution.

"In fact, Amendment 64 did not comply with required language under the Taxpayers Bill of Rights and no such tax will be imposed,"

Currently the Department of Justice is talking to governor John Nixonlooper who appointed a task force with no public oversight to draft legislation that is almost fully ratified by the legislature, and will be signed by the same Governor who is getting instructions from the federal government, thus by-passing the will of the people.

When attempting to legally access the public conversations the State of Colorado claimed there was no recording and I was denied access. All denied and judicial evidence of me voicing my political opinion can and should be provided by the State of Colorado and the City and County of Denver.

During the course of me expressing the above political opinion against the crime against humanity that is the war on drugs I had my human rights routinely violated by the Governments of the United States of America. As such I am unwilling and unable to avail myself of the protection of the governments of the United States of America.

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