Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Oct 15, 2011 State Sponsored Terrorism used to Violate Human Rights, Based on Political Opinion

The state of Colorado took unprecedented steps when the Department of Personal and Administration in conspiracy with Governor John Hickenlooper and state law enforcement illegally ordered Lincoln Park closed. Lincoln Park as it had never been closed in the history of the state. Yet to uphold anonymous complaints about health and safety and minor municipal code violations the state took steps, never before seen in the state, without public input. The state was preventing the people from providing public comment against Governor John Hickenlooper´s authoritarian actions in illegally closing public space and the massive mobilization of state and federal law enforcement. Everyone´s political voice was silenced by these illegal actions by the state.

I was under increased surveillance and repression by the state on October 15th, upon returning to the Thunderdome, after I was released form from the kidnapping and  false imprisonment the state subjected me to. The illegal shutting down of Lincoln Park was done to specifically to force the Thunderdome and assembly to move across Broadway, to Civic Center Park, where the City and County of Denver unlike the state has a brand new $653 million dollar prision. The Illegal closure of Lincoln Park was done specifically to cleared up all those jurisdictional issues and allow the Denver district attorney to jail and prosecute people based on their political opinion. As those were the reasons Governor Hickenlooper cited as the reason the state did not use the law to persecute us sooner.

In order to enforce the Governors illegal orders of closing Lincoln Park, the state stationed brand new patrol cars on the lawn of Lincoln Park and officers on foot on the sidewalk around the perimeter of the park. Permanently stationing large amounts of law enforcement in both Lincoln and Civic Center Park’s began on Oct 15 and was one of the most used tactics by the state to terrorize the peacefully assembled people.

“Although the Thunderdome, the original harbinger of hope and free food at the Occupy Denver camp, was removed during the protest early Friday morning, along with 24 arrested volunteers, it was replaced quickly the next morning by a new version at the corner of 14th and Civic Center Park. Officers have twice asked for the Thunderdome to be removed this afternoon, and they have been politely refused with the same frequency.”

The Thunderdome refused because we were legally feeding people who were engaging peacefully assembling and discussing their political opinion. I even attempted twice to offer food to law enforcement as they looked hungry; I was twice rebuffed, once violently.

On Saturday thousands of people came down to express their outrage against the violation of human rights by the government and a renascence of political discourse took place. The Thunderdome had the honor of feeding these people. That honor was short lived as our refusal to stop feeding people and minor Denver Revised Municipal Code violations were used by the state to justify the violence and terrorism inflicted by the state. During the repression and violence which followed law enforcement pointed weapons at and used mace on myself and others, including macing a 9 year old. At the 7 min 20 second I am repeatedly assaulted for simply offering law enforcement officer’s sandwiches.

Law enforcement's gang unit, targeting us as gang members.

Two times in 24 hours. The state gearing up to violently repress peoples human rights

More illegal closures of streets by law enforcement

Law enforcement illegally shutting down Broadway and preparing to violently violate our human rights.

Law enforcement illegally closing Civic Center Park.

Me being again assaulted for simply being in Civic Center Park after being peppersprayed by law enforcement

Cleaning out the pepperspray.  The pepperspray which has permanently damaged my eyesight.

To add insult to all the injury the state inflicted on people peacefully exercising their human rights, the state also harassed legal observers, who were present to document the actions of the state and demonstrators. Harassment of legal observers and interference with the reporting of police actions is a uniform tactic of law enforcement across the nation.

The cost charged to the people by just the DPD and the Sheriff's Department to enforce an illegal law aimed at repressing people’s human rights was $365,000, in little under 2 weeks. The total cost of state of Colorado to enforcement of minor code violations over people’s human rights is estimated to be in the tens of million dollars. This was a nationally coordinated attempt to silence peoples political opinion as can be seen with the first five days of sister occupation Occupy Philadelphia has cost $164,000 in overtime costs and$237,000 in regular time, or about $80,000 a day to the City of Philadelphia.

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