Shortly before this happened, a professional private/state sponsored propagandist Robert McClure, came over to the new Thunderdome which was again serving the peaceful political assembly delicious food.
As an embedded private/state sponsored propagandists Mr. McClure traveled to Iraq in order to report only the US government’s official story, which helped to continue the crime against humanity happening in Iraq. The state-private link is further made when a quote from Mr. McClure’s company biography shows he went to Iraq with another employee of the same privately held news organization who was also a surgeon with the U.S. Army.
"In 2004, he traveled to Iraq as he accompanied CBS4′s Dr. Dave Hnida, a battalion surgeon with the U.S. Army, on his first tour of duty there. His experiences and observations in Iraq have given Rob a deep appreciation and respect for those who serve our country in the armed forces."
Propagandists McClure's bias showed he was clearly there to report the state’s official story when he started video interviewing Justin Gwin who was in the Thunderdome.
This conversation began when with a repeating of the state’s message, which was “the Thunderdome and the assembly were illegal and that we should get a permit in order to do this.”
As Justin was standing between propagandists McClure and I, I turned towards the huge crowed assembled and began handing out sandwiches and inquiring of the people we were feeding if they permitted me to feed them? As they all responded that yes they permit me to feed them, I turned back towards Crunchy and then stated, “these people are our permit.”
As my comments did not fit with the state sponsored script the reply was, “shut up I am trying to do an interview.”
I retorted with, “you got editing right? Well then fuck you, you can edit it.”
Propagandist McClure then yelled, “why the fuck don’t you listen to law enforcement and quit causing trouble.”
I responded to the with a little song and dance saying, “Motherfucker this is the Thunderdome, we serve people free food,” I then handed a sandwich to a hungry person, and nut-taps, and made a backhand motion towards the propagandist McClure. I never made contact as Justin Gwin and a table was between me and propagandist McClure. Later that evening after the state illegally closed Civic Center Park, I was arrested for a fabricated charge of unlawful sexual contact on propagandist Robert McClure. These charges were pressed to further discredit and propagandize against people taking part in a peaceful political assembly and oppress me based on my political opinion. The state maltreats people convicted of sex crimes to a much greater extent than normal crimes. I was determined to fight these fabricated charges.
As the months passed the state repeatedly threatened and attempted to coerce me to get me to plead guilty to crime I was not charged with in order to save them the cost of trying me in front of a court of law. Assistant District Attorney, the corpulent load Matt Winig, repeatedly threatened me with increased jail time if I did not submit to the state will and plead guilty to all other charges I was charged with as well as charges I was never charged with. As I did not submit to the states intimidation, the state made good on their threats and added an additional charge of assault in the third degree in this case and other various charges in the other cases the state illegally brought against me. The trial finally took place almost a year after the original charges. This was done to allow the government propaganda campaign against the peaceful political assembly to frame the issues in favor of the government.
During the trial before I even was allowed to present my defense, the tool of the state Andre Rudolf acting as judge on the behest of law enforcement, questioned and threatened my witness, Justin Gwin, with arrest. The questioning of state video campaigner Robert McClure revealed that even though there was 7 plus hours of video tape that day, the camera was turned off when the fabricated sexual offence was committed.
Propaganda publicist Robert McClure also stated on the record that in the video he presented and was being used by the state, to persucute me, was edited to show the “important” parts. Three different Law enforcement officers, the same three whom requested the arrest of my witness, testified that although I was accused of a sexual crime, and the state increases the subjugation of people convicted of sexual crimes, they did not investigate government journalists Robert McClure’s accusations and this alleged crime. Law enforcement failed to investigate a crime even when provided with a video showing many witnesses and even a named witness, Justin Gwin.
When Justin Gwin took the stand, after being threatened with arrest, he confirmed law enforcement never interviewed him. Justin also testified that as seen in the video I was nowhere near state Robert McClure and law enforcement had constantly been targeting the Thunderdome.
Through the entire trial, from the edited evidence, judicial and law enforcement threats aimed at me and my my witness, lack of any investigation by the law enforcement body tasked with investigating these types of crimes, to the threats to prevent me from going to trial, it was clear the state is fabricating charges in order to persecute me based on me taking part in a peaceful assembly and expressing my political opinion. All legal document and 7 plus hours of the footage propagandists McClure has regarding his allegations can and should be provided by the city and county of Denver and CBS4 in Denver, Colorado.
As the US government and it corporate overloads used the criminal justice system actively persecute me based on my human rights to peacefully assemble and legally exercised my political opinion I am unwilling and unable to avail myself of the protection of the governments of the United States of America.
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